Welcome! My name is Adrian Vrabie. I would like to share my interests for Data Science and Hidden Markov Models.
I consider myself fortunate to have enjoyed the works of Dmitrii Lozovanu on Markov Chains, Valentin Belousov on Quasigroups, Andrew Viterbi on Dynamic Programming and many others. All of them successfully humbled me, and I hope to help you find the beauty in them too.
Another part of me is an Economist by training. Economics is a social science that extensively uses the mathematics apparatus to provide plausible explanations. Ex: with few assumptions, Economics can explain why the Baum-Welch algorithm, despite its applicability and insight, is less popular than the Viterbi algorithm. Currently I am involved in the Energy sector: have been in the exploration phases of upstream petroleum and getting involved in lng terminals and logistics.
Before modelling, it is imperative for me to get some insider views and assess the kernel of each major project.
Although not as comprehensive as a CV, I've put some info that holistically reflect the amalgam of my interests in Applied Mathematics, Programming and Data Science.